Update on Divorce Proceedings: An Act of Perjury Committed and Condoned 

 2 Chronicles 20:15
New King James Version

15 And he said, “Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.

The following depicts the result of my divorce hearing on July 14th, 2022. 

Divine Revelation, it became apparent to me that God's plan to use me on the subject matter of Sexual Immorality coupled with Spiritual Adultery is relative to my own personal endeavor. To God Be The Glory. This is not about a win for me, it is about a Win for The Kingdom of God!!!

Dear Viewers, the following depicts matters that transpired on July 14th, 2022 the day of my divorce court hearing…
Dear Atty. James Darren Stewart,

 This e-mail serves to inform you that I am filing an Ethical Conduct Complaint against you on the grounds of choosing to permit your client, Michael Paul Abele, to commit perjury after both he and I were sworn in to tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help me God. One should not take such an oath using God’s name in vain. As an Attorney, you know better, agreed?

The fact of the matter is that God: The Holy Trinity, Our Creator, Our Heavenly Father is consistently being demeaned, defamed, disrespected, Rejected, Abandoned and Dismissed from the lives of many, our country and the world as a whole. HOWEVER; I WILL NOT be silenced especially when God has chosen me out of the many who are called to serve and represent HIS Kingdom. I am not alone here, God has assured me that His Kingdom and Host of Holy Angels are encamped around me.

Attached is a letter detailing the premise of my complaint against you. Furthermore, I have carbon copied a number of other parties within the 14th Judicial District Court in hope that they were witnesses on July 14th 2022 divorce court hearing, and I have included a copy to accompany my complaint to the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board.

Perhaps you were so dismissive of my means to forewarn you that your client was not speaking the truth, while we were standing before Judge Bradberry, because I did not have an attorney present and I was representing my self, or perhaps it is because I am a woman, a woman of color and when put all together this empowered you to undermine me.

Your client, Michael Paul is consistently disrespecting Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, HOWEVER, it is the evidence of things not seen. This matter is a Spiritual Warfare, The Kingdom of God vs. The Kingdom of Satan. I do not fear you Satan nor your agents!!! I FEAR THE LORD MY GOD: THE Holy Trinity, Greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world!!!

I urge you Atty Stewart to take heed to what I am saying: DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF GOD, FOR IT IS WRITTEN… Vengence is God’s. Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and God Will take care of everything else. HALLELUJAH!
You and your client need to recant the act of perjury you both committed and seek forgiveness before God: The Holy Trinity.

For The Record: I am available to give you a tour of my living conditions, and there is a saga that I am prepared to share as to how this came to be. The fact of the matter is that I am living in a “true” Pauper status stemming from your client's laziness and the means to squander money. Life on Oxford Ct., a rather affluent neighborhood is by no means a Pauper status community. All Glory to God for revealing this information to me.

For the record, your client, Michael Paul Abele lives on Oxford Ct. in a 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, single family home that contains 2,494 sq. ft., the estimate for the home is $264,700, a rather affluent neighborhood, additionally he is driving a newer model used vehicle, it is a GMC Chevy Yukon.

How does one afford this lifestyle and reaps the benefits of filing under a “Pauper” status, all in the span of the timeline of meeting the 180 day separation required by Louisiana Law and abandoning me with no money, no car, and on the brink of being homeless, in the name of Sexual Immorality coupled with an act of Spiritual Adultery against our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I am still a resident in your client’s family home, for over 12  years now. It is apparent that this is where God wants me. It is in this home where I had my first Supernatural Encounter with God: The Holy Trinity. I have the video taping on my website as my testimony, it was an eventful day of Travailing’s.

When your client, Michael Paul, chose his path to make Satan his slave master, God said to me, The “Rhema” Word of God, “to be patient and do not fret”.

Obedience is a key factor in The Kingdom of God. We all know that Satan’s demise stemmed from disobedience and pride, resulting in the fall of Adam and Eve and we are all born sinners with a free will to choose which God we want to serve; God Our Heavenly Father or Satan, The Devil, who is The father of lies and deceit: whose demise is coming to a close and Satan and his followers with be cast into the pit of hell.
The door and path of redemption is still open, time is of the essence. The 2nd Advent of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is upon us. God: The Father has spoke this through me, Governed by The Holy Spirit through acts of Travailing’s on numerous occasions.

For the record, I made a couple of attempts to reach you directly to avoid having to go to court; however, your gatekeeper would not have it. I wonder what she is thinking of you now. This has to be a means of disappointment to her, because she is so methodical in her manner of speaking, she addresses one as if speaking to a kindergartener just graduating into first grade, it’s demoralizing. I pray she is filled with Divine Wisdom on the demoralizing manner in which you and your client took the Lord’s name in vain by the act of committing perjury.

My purpose for forwarding you my proposed arguments and proposed settlement agreement was in hope of your client and I to have a meeting of the minds to settle this divorce without going to court.

This is not about a win for me, this is about a win for The Kingdom of God, in the Mighty name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, far too many are committing Spiritual Adultery against Jesus Christ. God uses His Travailing Warriors in a manner to War against those things that are dear and concerning to His Heart. We are living sacrifices availing our bodies for God’s purpose and planning to bring His kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Study The Our Father Prayer, there is great meaning in that prayer in which Jesus directed us in how to pray.

Noteworthy: All Glory To God: The Holy Trinity, my Spiritual Chain-of-Command and Divine Representatives for the outcome of the day in question, God is so amazing when He is in charge, especially when we seek His Righteousness in lieu of our own righteousness. In the eyes of God, I am not a peon. And He is a Just and Righteous Heavenly Father, In the name of Jesus.

My online Teaching Ministry is currently viewed in 57 Countries. I WILL NOT forsake My Lord Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father. And I DO NOT seek donations for my Teaching Ministry.
Meanwhile, within the past couple of weeks, Michael Paul received a notice of being in arrears for child support and the possible means of being found in contempt of a court order with a possible warrant for his arrest.

 Again, I attribute this wealth of knowledge to my Spiritual Chain-of-Command, God The Holy Trinity. It’s amazing the things that God will do for those who love and respect and fear Him. In the name of Jesus Christ.

In closing, Thank You Heavenly Father for Your Guidance and Your Protection and for the Seal of The Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. I know that Jesus said that many will hate me for His names Sake, especially because of my calling and being one of the Chosen Ones to represent You here on the earth, I am patiently awaiting Your 2nd Advent. I will persevere and I will endure the trials and tribulations because Jesus Christ did it for us and You (God) did not give to us a Spirit of fear.  It does not matter who Satan uses as his agents, I will not waiver, my Lord Jesus Christ. I LOVE YOU!
Jesus’s Greatest Commandment is LOVE!

I LOVE you all and may the grace, mercy and peace of God: The Holy Trinity, be with each of you.
2 Timothy 1:8-9
New King James Version

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began,

Linda (Fontenot) Abele
God’s Dunamis Warrior Princess (title ordained by God)
Travailing and Intercessory Prayer Warrior

Linda Abele, 7/21/2022