Greetings from Dr. Cynthia (Freeman) Morris...
Greetings From Dr. Cynthia (Freeman) Morris! Matthew 4:7 states “Jesus said unto him (satan), It is written again, Thou shall not tempt the Lord your God.” The word tempt properly translated means to test. “We are not to put God to the test by imposing demands upon Him to prove Himself in ways that we propose” (Spirit Filled Bible NKJV translation). Sadly there are church leaders today who are doing just that in their response to the COVID-19 virus. They are communicating misinformation to their congregations and misleading them in the process. In all fairness the majority of messages being taught during these challenging times are scripturally sound. However, some of what is being preached from church pulpits regarding the Church’s position on this COVID-19 pandemic is born out of scriptural ignorance and misinterpretation of the scriptures. Church leadership, and some pastors in particular, are going against federal, state, and local mandates requiring us to remain under quarantine for our protection. Of course, we all know of the horrible outcomes due to the rebellion of these church leaders. The result has been needless loss of life of some of these very leaders as well as their followers. I’m sure they believed they were doing God’s will and acting in faith. This is not a demonstration of faith. Simply stated this is foolish thinking and behavior. They were duped by the devil and erroneous teaching. I’m sure these individuals are sincere, but they are sincerely wrong. Satan took advantage of them and exploited their ignorance and disobedience. We need to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.
So what is God’s position on how Christians and Church leadership should deal with this deadly and demonic disease COVID-19?
Yes, we should boldly proclaim the truth of the Word that God is greater than the Coronavirus. I John 4:4 states “You are of God, little children and have overcome them, because He who is in you is Greater than he who is in the world.” God will prove His greatness in situations where we are not purposely manipulating Him to prove a point to others. In other words do not try to prove God’s greatness in His ability to protect you by deliberately ignoring social distancing. That would be like walking out into heavy traffic believing that God will keep you from being hit by an oncoming car. Again, that’s not faith. Its foolishness and presumption on our part. So practice social distancing, wear gloves and a protective mask, and sanitize often. Do your part and God will be faithful to do His. Christian people need to be Spirit led and use some good old fashion common sense as needed.
We are called to obey those in authority. Not doing so misrepresents God and the church. It is a bad testimony to unsaved individuals. We are not called to break the law, but to respect it. We are called to support law and order. Obviously, there are laws that contradict scripture that we must lawfully rail against, but otherwise God commands us to follow the laws of the land. Romans 13:1-2 states “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore, whoever resists that authority resists the ordinances of God, and those who resist will bring judgement on themselves.” God is not pleased when we disobey Him or the law. The government and God will deal with us and our disobedient behavior. God commands us to do things decently and in order. He is not the author of disobedience and the chaos and confusion it produces. That is satan’s job! Do what is righteous and pleasing in the sight of the Lord. This is not about politics its about people, whom God deeply loves and values.
We need to rightly divide the scripture with the help of the Master Teacher, the Holy Spirit so we can distinguish between truth and error. This applies to both church leadership and the congregation at large. II Timothy 2:15 states “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” It is shameful, an embarrassment when Christians do foolish and ridiculous things. We must properly discern the scriptures so we can scripturally deal with situations such as this COVID-19 pandemic. The world and devil laugh at us when we act foolishly. We must bring our words, attitudes and actions into alignment with the Word so we the Church can shame the devil and exalt the Kingdom of God. Obey and Pray. Obey God ordained authority and continue to pray for God in His time to heal our land. In Jesus name. Amen!
Blessings, Favor, Peace, and Psalm 91 be upon you all. I love you.
Linda Abele, 4/19/2020