God desires us to seek and flow in the supernatural power... 

Note: I received the following text on May 11th of this year from my childhood friend and sister in Christ, Dr. Cynthia (Freeman) Morris, Teaching Minister, FDM Ministries, Killeen, TX. A powerful and fitting message depicting how God the Holy Spirit is using me in these last days. All Glory to God The Trinity!

The unedited text message reads as follows: 

Happy Sabbath Day Linda, Michael, & Christina! God desires us to seek and flow in the supernatural power He has provided us through the redemptive work of Christ. Too many of God's children are ignoring, fearing, or refusing to do so. We need the supernatural power of God in these last days if are to overcome the works of Satan. I Corinthians 14:1 states "We are to desire spiritual gifts." God is perfectly fine with us coveting the supernatural manifestations of the Holy Ghost. We should seek and expect these gifts to manifest in us as the Spirit of God wills to bring about the will of God in this world. 

In John 14:12 Jesus Himself said "That those who believed on Him would do even greater works than He did."  We are called by Christ to walk in a greater anointing and perform by His grace these greater supernatural works in the ministry He has given us individually and to the corporate Body of Christ collectively.

Those God calls He also equips. According to Ephesians 6:10-18 The Father God has given us the "whole armor of God to wage supernatural warfare." II Corinthians 1:3-4 states "For though we walk in flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are MIGHTY in God for the pulling down of strongholds." Praise God He has given us mighty weapons, supernatural weapons to overthrow and defeat the enemy! Natural, man made weapons will be insufficient in these end times. God has positioned us to win. All we need to do so is embrace and execute these supernatural weapons with deliberate and radical vengeance on the enemy! Praise God!

Flowing in the supernatural power of God should be a part of our daily lives. First, we must desire it. Second, we must spend time in the Word of God. Finally, we must acknowledge and give place to the Holy Spirit to move as He sees fit to bring about the will of God. The Father God has called and created us to walk in the supernatural. 

God bless your family. Have a blessed week. I love you all
?? [the end of text message]

From me to you: Remember, greater is He who is in us than he who lives in this world. Our Heavenly Father: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit is in control!

God tells us that there will be an out pouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days, I am a living testimony and witness. Be in the know!


God's Dunamis Warrior Princess

Note: You can watch Dr. Cynthia (Freeman) Morris teachings on KPLETV. org on Wednesday's at 10:30 a.m., simply go to the calendar on the KPLETV.org website and click on that time line. 


Linda Abele, 12/23/2018