The Power to Heal Souls - Governed by the Holy Spirit - Part I

The Power to Heal Souls – Governed by The Holy Spirit 

(Caring for the oppressed and widows)

Job 29:11-16 New International Version (NIV)

11 Whoever heard me spoke well of me,

    and those who saw me commended me,

12 because I rescued the poor who cried for help,

    and the fatherless who had none to assist them.

13 The one who was dying blessed me;

    I made the widow’s heart sing.

14 I put on righteousness as my clothing;

    justice was my robe and my turban.

15 I was eyes to the blind

    and feet to the lame.

16 I was a father to the needy;

    I took up the case of the stranger.


Up Close and Personal

For the record, this story goes much deeper, but I want to give you a foundation leading to my relationship with my twin sister and my seeking God for understanding as to why we were so different; and too, how the Holy Spirit used me through acts of travailing’s and spiritual warfare to heal her soul. The second soul He would use me to win for God’s kingdom via spiritual warfare and acts of travailing’s. The first was one of Michael’s (my husband) cousins, who died in her mid-thirties in January 2017. I will share her story at a later date.

Noteworthy: My twin was oppressed and a widow too.

There came a point in my walk with God, that I was seeking understanding as to why my twin sister and I were so different. We were fraternal twins, not identical, but the disturbing factor was the fact that our demeanor was like day and night. 

Candidly speaking, it was like the evil twin vs. the good twin. My twin suffered a long history of physical illnesses which graduated to mental illness later in life; however, she was a stable person for the most part and things just got progressively worse.

One day during my walk with God, after my encounter on February 27, 2016, I spoke to The Holy Spirit and said that I wanted to fast and pray for my twin in hope of delivering her from evil demonic spirits. Prior to this I did a prayer of discernment over her, which I have videotaping of, the discernment of spirit revealed to me the physical and mental ailments. There was some twirling (for lack of a better word) of my neck and head, this gave me knowledge of the mental state that she was in.


I lived most of my life away from home, I lived in Europe for about 3 ½ years, then Philadelphia for about three years total and then 20 plus years in Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona.

I relocated back here (Louisiana) in the fall of 2008 to tend to my mother whose health was failing, and she needed full time care. During this time, on several occasions I became estranged from my siblings and other family members, overtime we would reunite and then things would happen that ultimately brought us to the brink of being estranged yet again.

Fast Forward

In 2014 I desired to know God, our Creator and I sought forgiveness from my siblings; and too, forgave them. The book Blessing or Curse by Derek Prince was an eye opener an inspiration which led me to seek forgiveness. This was the beginning of the renewing of my mind which The Holy Spirit was working through me with.

Estranged from my Family

My family: namely, siblings, some nieces and nephews do not engage or support my newfound relationship in Christ. This is evident on a number of levels; however, I am okay with that, truly I am at peace with it, because I am living to serve God The Trinity, I have chosen and elected to pick up my cross and follow after Jesus. And this is a joy I could not have ever imagined possible.

For the record, I love them all dearly and I pray for them every single day. Also, noteworthy, God Himself has taken measures to keep me separated from them, you see God will not have His chosen and elected compromised. Who knows the evil plot of Satan but God, who knows the heart of another human being, but God.

My life on the vertical plane differs from their lives on the horizontal plane, I no longer relish in secular music and/ or gatherings that teeter-totter on the border of glorifying Satan.

On a Personal Note

I use to curse like a sailor, I referred to profanity as my means of therapy and during family acts of discords I would let loose, and my main agenda was to reduce one knee high to a grasshopper. I was a warrior for Satan then, of course I did not know this at the time. My motto was to deal with the consequences of my actions, but I failed to take in account the consequences that God had for me because of my actions.

By nature, I am a loving, caring, giving person. BUT, I do not like bullies, I do not condone man or woman chastising me; however, The Holy Spirit has since renewed me, defined me and reconciled me to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am a new creature now. Hallelujah!

The battles that I war in now are for God’s glory and His kingdom. I live my life in the F.O.G – Fear of God and Favor of God.

Fast Forward

When I made the decision to fast and pray for the evil and demonic forces to flee my twin sister, God spoke to me and said no. I was taken aback and so I asked the Holy Spirit why not. He gave me the following scripture:

Matthew 12:43-45 New International Version (NIV)

 43 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.

Moving On

Wow! I was moved; however, I got it! The fact that my twin sister was not in the state of mind to receive an intimate relationship with Jesus would have put my efforts in vain and ultimately, she would have been worse off.

During this time my relationship with my twin was strained, I loved her, but at a distance, because of her mental illness it was a challenge to get close to her. She was suffering from a Bipolar Paranoid Disorder, she trusted no one and she believed that everyone was out to get her, she was marked with a curse.

There were several occasions when she contacted law enforcement and accused me and other family members: including her children and other friends and neighbors of stalking her, breaking into her home and stealing from her. A borderline schizophrenia type behavior.

In short, I continued to pray for her, this was the best gift that I could give to her.

Meanwhile, her condition worsened, and she was admitted to several behavioral health institutes on a short-term basis.

Stayed tuned for Part 2

God’s Dunamis Warrior Princess

Linda Abele, 9/16/2018