Infidelity in the marriage: My personal story (Part 2) 

As promised, in this segment I want to share with you the fiery darts that was coming at me once Michael confessed to me about his adulterous affair.
Immediately, I said to him, I forgive you; and too, he asked for my forgiveness.  I knew that in order for us to heal and have God’s favor continue to move over the both of us that forgiveness was an absolute must! And, God’s word tells us that unless we forgive He will not forgive us. Do your own “fact check” in the bible. God’s word tells us to confess our sins one to another, do your own “fact check” in the bible.
Moving on… within the span of about an hour after Michael’s confession the fiery darts of the enemy started to come at me, but I had my God armor on and I fought the good fight and the fight went as follows:
The flesh kept creeping in, the old Linda was in warrior mode, but this warrior mode was to do what was pleasing to my flesh, and this was not going to Glorify God.
I contemplated doing a “Wanted Poster” titled: This person is wanted for an adulterous affair, I wanted to exploit her, I wanted to go to her place of work and hand out the posters, I wanted to contact the person with whom she was dating at the time and reveal everything to him.
But then I checked in with the Holy Spirit, I said Holy Spirit I need you to help me with this and all praises and glory to God The Trinity, The Holy Spirit reminded me of the day of my encounter with God, February 27, 2016.


God stated to me that Michael would be a great prophet, he stated to me that I must stay with him, stay by his side. At the time I did not understand it. You can witness my encounter with God, the video tape is present on my website@  -- the video is approximately 30 minutes but towards the end is when God was speaking those words to me.
Second, The Holy Spirit reminded me of the prophetic message that was sent to me via text on May 15, 2016 from a childhood friend of mine, Tyrella (Montgomery) Harmon. I still have it, it resonated with me so much then that I typed it out and framed it and it hangs on my wall in my bedroom.
Third, The Holy Spirit reminded me of the audible and visual visions of the spring and summer of 2016, and the one dream of Michael’s infidelity in the storage unit coupled with the fact that in August of 2017 God stated that all these things will start to come to past. WOW!
Fourth, at the renewal of our wedding vows, I stated that I would seek spiritual revelation and understanding for any trials and tribulations that we might encounter.

 Fast Forward

 So, I went on Facebook, saw that Darla was online, I instant message her to call me. Michael was not here, he was out to dinner with his mom and sister. I needed to confront Satan’s agent ‘the enemy in her inner me”.
I informed her that Michael confessed and that I was disappointed in the both of them. I told her that she was an evil wicked person. I told her that I forgave her, but that she could never come back to my home again. I sensed the fear of that evil spirit in her needing to flee.
The one thing that I would say to Michael, over a period of about three days, is that I wanted to vomit him out of my mouth.
Noteworthy: Our storage unit was in fact the designated meeting place for their adulterous affair. God is amazing! I LOVE YOU HOLY SPIRIT!
Stay tuned! for my closing statement on this topic. I love you all, I love God The Trinity more and I remain obedient to do His will.
God’s Dunamis Warrior Princess

Linda Abele, 8/23/2018