Overcoming Infidelity in the marriage: My personal Story (Part 1)

August 21, 2017, one day before our one year anniversary, Michael (my husband) confessed to me that he had been in an extramarital affair with a woman who was both of our friends. Her name is Darla K. Mullins.
Darla was a friend of Michael (my husband), a remnant of his past and someone whom he had had sexual relations with before. I was acutely aware of this; however, I walk not in fear of man or woman.
Darla would come to our home and visit, she would request that I pray for her and her son. She was invited and attended the renewal of our wedding vows, she was a Facebook friend; which she chose to terminate of her own doing.


 During the spring and summer of 2016, God had given me a great number of audible and visual visions relating to close family members: siblings and other loved ones; and also during this time, God shared with me the lust of Michael’s heart for three women, which I shared with him at a later date.
Then I had a dream of Michael having sexual relations with a woman in a storage unit, the dream was explicit and I shared this with Michael because most of my dreams are spiritual and another means of how God communicates with me.

 Fast Forward

 God shares with us in His Word (The Bible) about these signs and wonders He would give us through dreams and visions, do your own “fact check”. God also tells us in His Word that there will be trials and tribulations, do your own “fact check”.
More importantly! When we are in prayer, when we are in an intimate relationship with God, God the Holy Spirit is empowered to do the will of God The Father and God The Son; using us as His vessel and for His purpose, this is especially evident in travailing and intercessory prayers.
 Was I hurt? Yes! -------------- Was I angry? Yes!
We (believers) have God on our side and God is always in control; Therefore, I exercised my free will to show God, that I Iove Him (God) more, I chose Him (God).
Ref. Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-4 (preferably the AMP Version) and too;
Ref. the book of Hosea, when God told Hosea for him to marry a prostitute.
Note: As a chosen child of God, God is always in control, we may not understand His purpose, His plan, but it is for the greater good, trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Jesus forewarns us that no servant is above his or her master, Jesus suffered and went through so much more than we could ever imagine, He is worth the pain and suffering we endure until His second coming.
Note: As a chosen one, God’s vessel, God’s instrument and an Ambassador to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I share this on the premise; our life’s journey in the secular world (the horizontal plane), prepares us for the spiritual journey (vertical plane) God has predestined us for when we submit our lives as a living sacrifice. We are able to empathize because we have lived it.
More importantly, God is glorified and Satan is defeated, providing we persevere and remain steadfast with goals to be victors and not victims. As victors, God is glorified, as victims, Satan is glorified.
Additionally, There has been well over a dozen of broken and/ or troubled marriages and relationships of loved ones and friends who has since and prior to Michael’s confession crossed our paths.
The Holy Spirit is in agreement that I now share me and Michael’s story in hope of planting that spiritual seed to empower others to not give in to Satan and his agents.
Stay Tuned!: for details on how I overcame, on how the flesh was crucified by the governed power of The Holy Spirit within me, the renewal of my mind, all in the span of one week. Mind over matter! All glory to God The Trinity!
God’s Dunamis Warrior Princess

Linda Abele, 8/23/2018